What are the 4 types of strikes in volleyball?

  • What are the different types fo volleyball hits?
  • attack, hit, spike, kill, wipe the block, tool the block, spike approach, tip, cobra, pokey, down ball, free ball, seam, cross court hit, line hit, cut shot.

What are 7 violations in volleyball?

Basic Violations in Volleyball

  • Consecutive Contacts. …
  • Four Hits. …
  • Assisted Hit. …
  • Catch. …
  • Ball Crossing the Net Outside the Crossing Space. …
  • Reaching Over the Net. …
  • Penetration Under the Net. …
  • Contact with the Net.

What is foul in volleyball?

Fouls. A foul is a failure to play as permitted by the rules. A double foul occurs when opposing players commit rule violations at the same time. A double hit occurs when a player’s successive or multiple contacts are illegal. A foot fault occurs when a player violates the serving area or centerline restrictions.

What are 10 volleyball rules?

Coach These 10 Volleyball Rules

  • Scoring. The first team to reach 25 points and by at least two points wins a set. …
  • One, two, three. The ball can be hit up to three times per side (in addition to blocking) before it must go over the net. …
  • Two hits equal one. …
  • The serve. …
  • Serve return. …
  • Serve rotation. …
  • Net game 1. …
  • Net game 2.

What is the first hit in volleyball called?

One of the most essential and basic hits in volleyball is the “bump“. The bump is a type of “forearm passing,” and typically used as the first hit as the ball comes over the net to pass the ball to a teammate.

What is the first touch in volleyball?

Coaches can make volleyball drills that train players to take the ball with their hands on the first team contact. Double contacting the ball on the first hit is legal. However, the ball coming to rest (prolonged contact) is still illegal on the first, second, and third team contacts.

What are the 10 hand signals in volleyball?

Officials Hand Signals for Indoor

Move the hand to indicate the direction of service. Extend the arm to the side of the team that will serve.
Raise eight fingers, spread open. Raise both arms vertically, palms forward.
Make a circular motion with the forefinger. Point the arm and fingers toward the floor.

What are 3 types of hits in volleyball?

Volleyball Hit 3 Types of Soft Hits Roll Shot, Cut Shot and Deep Tip

  • The volleyball hit most commonly used in a game is the.
  • The bump is usually the first volleyball hit made in a game after an opposing team’s serve.

Can I use my leg in volleyball?

The official rules of NCAA volleyball state that the ball can touch any part of the body when hitting, as long as it does not come to rest there. Since a rules change in 1999, that includes the foot.

Can u use feet in volleyball?

Whether it is digging an unreachable ball, being in proper position before the serve, or staying on the right side of the center line, the feet come into play on many volleyball rallies. So, can you use your feet in volleyball? Yes, you can!

Can you palm the ball in volleyball?

Basic Illegal Hits You can’t catch or hold the ball in regulation volleyball. To insure that the ball is not held for a split second on scoop shots, you can’t use open palms beneath the ball to hit it. You can’t throw the ball either.

Can you head the ball in volleyball?

Can you use your head in volleyball? On purpose or by accident, using your head is a completely legal play in volleyball. In fact, you’re allowed to use any part of your body to play the ball, so long as the action itself is performed correctly.

How long can u touch the ball in volleyball?

After the serve, each team tries to send the ball onto the other side of the court. A team may touch the ball no more than three times. The same player can’t touch the ball twice in a row. Once somebody on the other team touches the ball, you get three more tries to put it over the net and in.

What are the 3 touches of volleyball?

The 3 types of hits are: bump, volley and spike, or more modernly called pass, set and kill (or hit). This may seem like a confusing list to start with but it really is quite simple once you understand each category.

Is kicking the ball allowed in volleyball?

Of all the rules in Volleyball, ball handling is probably the most misunderstood. The ball is allowed to touch any part of the players’ body from head to toe as long as the contact is legal. Yes, a player can kick the ball, which is a legal contact.

Can you block a setter in volleyball?

Volleyball block rules prevent you from blocking an opposing team’s setter who’s attempting to set a ball. You can block someone who’s hitting a ball as long as you are separated by the net, but you can’t block a player who is setting the ball to another player on their team.

Is kicking allowed in volleyball?

Of all the rules in Volleyball, ball handling is probably the most misunderstood. The ball is allowed to touch any part of the players’ body from head to toe as long as the contact is legal. Yes, a player can kick the ball, which is a legal contact.

How many shots are there in volleyball?

The three main hits in volleyball are the pass, set, and hit (also known as spike). Each team is allowed three hits on their side of the net. Using the three hits maximizes a team’s chance to score.

What is the most important thing in volleyball?

Passing is often thought of as the most important skill in volleyball. If you can’t pass the serve, then you won’t ever put your team in a position to score a point. The importance of serving is often undervalued.

How many times can you kick in volleyball?

Your team may hit the ball up to three times on your side of the net, but the third hit must go over the net to you opponents, including any kicks. If your team hits the ball a fourth time before returning it, then it is considered a fault and the opposing team will be awarded a point.

What is an illegal block in volleyball?

A back-row player attempting to play a ball above the net is considered an illegal back-row blocker if the ball is attacked or blocked by an opponent into the back-row player while that player is reaching above the height of the net.

What is the referee called in volleyball?

In USA or FIVB competition, the first referee is usually referred to as the first official or R1. In high school volleyball, the down referee is also known as theumpire. In USA or FIVB competition, the second referee is usually referred to as the second official or R2.

What are the violations of volleyball?


  • Stepping on or over the line on a serve.
  • Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
  • Hitting the ball illegally (carrying, palming, throwing, etc).
  • Touches of the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play. …
  • Reaching over the net, except under these conditions:

FAQ: What are the 4 types of strikes in volleyball?

When can you move in volleyball?

A team only rotates in volleyball if they receive a serve after winning a rally with the other team. If your team receives the serve, all six of your players must rotate once clockwise, so that the new server rotates from the right front to the right back of the court.

Can you hit the volleyball twice?

A team may touch the ball no more than three times. The same player can’t touch the ball twice in a row. Once somebody on the other team touches the ball, you get three more tries to put it over the net and in.

Can you lift someone up in volleyball?

No catching, carrying, or lifting. USA Volleyball Rules apply for any unmentioned rules. A team is entitled to three hits (in addition to blocking) for returning the ball. The ball may touch any part of the body, including the foot.